Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

naw it is

I mean its as edible as toothpaste is, but it is

reference chart

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i can’t tell if it’s intentional that every time you reveal something about yourself it makes me more concerned


I didnt eat the dishwasher detergent

He lost the bet, so he did

its just what happens in university

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the moral of the story learned is never so much as touch something called fucking
Flatline Hot Sauce


did you eat soap someone


but it was fine

it was so bad that he turned a genuine shade of red and everyone in the same room as him was having coughing fits because the spice was fucking contagious

i’m just. gonna avoid processing that

its really not that bad

bro another guy ate pennies, you cant give me shit about soap.

it looks like this

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Death Potion

Sometimes I’ll say something tastes like soap and poeple are like “??? you know what soap tastes like?”. Obviously? Like do you never, like, fail to fully wash a dish and there’s still some soap on it left, or wash your hands and eat something with hands so you taste the soap. Is this not ocmmon


Anyway I’ve taken bites out of candles before but I didn’t like actually Eat them. Just took a bite

oh i know what soap tastes like. which is why i don’t eat soap

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