Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

good crosspost



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Anyway on an earlier subject I think I understand the differences between May Bias here versus lack of May Bias elsewhere but I still don’t fully understand what creates May Bias here in the first place


massive skill issue


My physical appearance is an easy shout in real life but I am notably not really perceived as nonthreatening there. I’m threatening in a “ooh creepy quiet one who’s always staring blankly into space and effortlessly Wins at academics” way. When I was younger I had constant in-jokes with my friends about how I was plotting to kill them and could get away with it easily


When Iw as like 11 my friend made me in the Sims and I had and killed like dozens of husbands there that was my whole thing. Persona didn’t change much from there


Except explicit clarificationt hat I’m gay


Harder to find and kill enough women to get rich though… gay people tend to talk to each other… too many in the same physical area or even online community and they’d definitely start avoiding me


your friend’s faces when you fail your exam and you turn up Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks loudly on your phone

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I’m not going to kill them with a gun. You don’t get away with it if you kill them with a gun.


how would you kill them?

I mean the most characteristic way would be poison, no?

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How will you obtain the poison? And how will you poison their drink or food?

i dont think this is true but maybe you’ve been around him longer than i thought because my mental image of arctic has always been like vague gestures towards arctic

(this is only half true)


Chemistry student, silly, and people leave bags and food unattended around me all the time. Don’t want to give them the exact food because that’d be too easily traced. You hand out cookies and people notice, you know


Realistically any string of deaths in [REDACTED] middle school would be immediately noticed but that detail is uninteresting for the joke so it’s discarded

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Also I did literally hand out cookies to my friends fairly frequently cause I liked to bake

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i got the impression your gender identity was fairly confidently “:transgender_flag:” internally but externally you pretended you didnt care as much as you actually do (i am an armchair psychologist)


So you have to hav ean excuse as to why those aren’t poisoned

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i dont know how he was all the time before i met him but i definitely know i made him into a dog boy. it was me. i did it. me