Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

one of these days i will actually get a job


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The program i got accepted to has a first year without a declared major but im interested in electrical


I canā€™t get Pell grant annoyingly because Iā€™m doing school part time. My work has a scholarship app imma do but I know chances are next to none I get it lol. Also I donā€™t really need it; Iā€™m a good deal richer than almost all my colleagues

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me waiting to find out if i get the national merit scholarship

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Itā€™s more fun to spend my off days running the lake shore but I know I need to start investing time in refreshing on the physics and calculus since itā€™s been 5+ years

most of my electrical modules were pain
stuff like induction motors, synchronous systems and 3-phase power i found rlly difficult but thats mostly cuz they werenā€™t taught very well

if iā€™m being honest i found mechanics and materials science the easiest but electronics and microengineering modules were probably the most interesting


if Iā€™m being honest itā€™s really likely i switch it up after my first year lol

bring a race car engineer or smth would be fucking cool and Iā€™d have to go mechanical for that


Really strong urge to go run 35 miles after I put my laundry in the dryer lol

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Donā€™t think I can resist so probably will

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electrical is super interesting and versatile tho so idk

I took a digital electronics class last year that i really loved as well


Mechanical / aerospace forever
Applied physics will never not be sick

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idk what the timeline looks like for engineering internships in the UK, but is there anywhere thatā€™s still accepting applicants?


it depends what part youā€™re interested in contributing towards

there are labels like automotive engineering but at the end of the day thatā€™s not really an academic discipline as far as most university teachings go - something like that involves a combination of most engineering disciplines

you could go into automotive pretty much with any discipline you study


yeah in my welcome back lecture they implied that thereā€™s still a possibility for stuff like this for the next academic year and the guy who handles it is teaching one of my unrelated modules this semester so iā€™m waiting until next week when my teaching starts to ask him for advice

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I pinged somebody to reference an in-joke and they donā€™t remember it so I am announcing my resignation from society effective immediatley

I think im basically revealing what college im going to (wowee) but i think where im going its a lot easier to get into the industry because of connections with IndyCar

also has a Formula SAE program

(it is an easy path to go on if I wanted to do it)

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if you chose the college because youā€™re interested in the industry then thatā€™s entirely valid

for me it was more a case of idk what i want to do but the place i went to specialized in electronics so i kinda acclimated myself to it which worked because i didnā€™t really know what i wanted to do (and i still kinda donā€™t :wowee: but i at least have more direction than befire)


nah i chose it because its a really good engineering school

(and they gave me cash money)
(i am very fortunate)