At my school we go to the local college pretty much full-time our senior year and also on campus while also doing CE beforehand
This is also how I’ll have half of it paid for
This is a massive self-doxx but you can already find this out
damn maybe i shoulda done dual enrollment
oh well
Yeah my college doesn’t give the speaches to the val/sal they just give it to the most distinguished student
…isn’t that the val
Or do you mean like
Sterling scholars
val would be grades.
Oh college
oh our college just gives speeches to the people who want to give them (which is the objectively best system). this was high school
AP Credit is basically the same thing just harder
i didnt even go to graduation
COVID moment?
our graduation was so much shorter than it is every other year because covid reasons. and thank fucking god it was still an hour and a half i’d strangle someone if it had to go for any longer than that
How many credits do you have? I did dual enrollment as well with 30 credits during senior year but I had a whole nother year worth at CC after that before getting my associate and transferring
no my parents thought going on a trip with extended family was more important
I don’t know the exact number but it’s recorded somewhere