Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

What if we did 4 weeks a month of 7 days a week but kept it at 12 months and just made each day 26.1 hours long to compensate for the lost days


see thats different heheh :stuck_out_tongue:

when i asked you what engine you were using u should have said ebitengine, the language that it uses doesn’t matter at all imo ^-^

this seems very familiar to Processing. you could build powerful stuff with this but i dont think its intended for it. feel free to, but there are more powerful stuff out there that will make it easier for you

to make an example, its like forging a sword by hand instead of using a machine. would definitely feel cool and novel and you’d have braggings rights to do it by hand but we have the technology to make it faster and easier!

gamemaker, godot, unity are some more powerful free engines. but feel free to keep doing this as it is a passion project, if it gives you satisfaction its a W!


Unity is amazing.
Or at least, I would say that if it would actually frigging work for once, you stupid! Piece! Of software!!!

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i referred to it as silly golang engine to get across that it was a novelty. i didnt think the specifics were exactly needed as you asked me if i was using an engine, not what engine i was using!
I looked into unity and godot and honestly. theres too much stuff in them. i do not like that in a thing. and i feel no need to pull through that as this isnt something i want to do as a career
there is some pretty cool stuff made in ebitengine tho

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there was some recent controversy with the royalties model, something something pricing, something something free

in terms of the engine itself yeah, its the most efficient 3d engine when both complexity and price (i think its still free) are accounted for. unreal is also free now i think, much more powerful, but way more complex


Oh boy would you love child me’s constant project to make a new calendar (just for me)

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that time the french tried to convert time to the metric system


Yeah, Unity’s great but is also very comfortably a market leader. It’s like Amazon saying that third-party sellers have to give them a 50% cut instead of a 30% cut.


I had 6 day weeks and 12 day fortnights for a while but I think the last draft I made had 5 day weeks and 10 day fortnights. The calendar was divided into… I think it was 9 months of 8 weeks, began on the spring solstice, and the last week of the year belonged to no month and was like. The most week.

Each day had a different activity it was dedicated to, something you would focus on that day, so there was like. I think it was housework, schoolwork, personal projects, relationships, and health? Some themes like that. I think the days had an anti-theme of a thing you shouldn’t do on that day (like there was one where I was to avoid playing video games, and one where I was to avoid talking to people), but I don’t think I ever fully got those sorted out, I could never decide what went with what.

And then on the special non-month week those themes were greatly exaggerated. Like on other weeks you might prioritise tasks of the day’s type but the nonmonthweek was a holiday dedicated Specifically to cleaning the house or going out with your friends or whatever.

I only actually used the calendar sporadically and my usage never lined up with the holiday week. So I never celebrated it

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I had not heard of the French Revolutionary Calendar I developed this independently

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Battle royale?

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fortnight was such a good word before the game ruined it. i loved that word


Maybe there were 4 weeks in a month? I remember wanting to have more months. I like months

I did have vow of silence days I was in fact able to successfully get through school without saying a single word.

never couldve guessed May

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The greatest boon to my schedule will be whenever I convince myself to do stuff like I’m a Persona protagonist.
Like, I will make the guy have an entire day of school and then go for running practice and then come back and fight a thousand Shadows and wake up bright and early to do it all over again.
Meanwhile, I can barely get myself out of bed before noon.

fortnight? sorry, here on FoL we only have Shortnight :/


i did this to except the vow of silence wasnt intentional and I still do it to this day

Your nights are entire days.