Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Stellaris: Apocalpyse Mash if everyone kinda wants to kill May the whole time but nobody really ever commits to it except Brad once and he misses the coin flip

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idk if that was really accurate
i think we were fairly committed to it but then we got convinced otherwise

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like i think if you hadn’t convinced us by the time ITAs happened we’d have shot you

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however you did so

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tl;dr it’s complicated

slightly longer explanation: any individual person is obviously quite unlikely to make a meaningful difference, but theoretically you have a small chance of being a tipping point that causes your local grocery store to order lots fewer chickens or whatever. roughly 10% of the US is vegetarian or vegan, it seems fairly obvious that if all of those people instead ate the average American amount of factory farmed animal products that it would lead to more animals being factory farmed. the ethics of ‘doing things with a small chance of producing a significant effect’ are controversial.

(this is all assuming you care about animals at all, some people think that animal suffering just doesn’t matter and that would obviously substantially weaken the case for avoiding animal products.)

I’m not even vegan anyways (or even 100% no-eggs-no-chicken-no-farmed-fish-atarian) so like clearly there’s some hypocrisy there



nah i get it, i dont think you’re hypocritical, you’re just explaining the argument, and you’re influenced to act that way because you care about your friends and they feel quite strongly about it

just won as Inquisitor because

  • the Doomsayer outted themselves d2 and got hung
  • I vanquished the psychic n2
  • we hung the Baker who got their role stolen by cursed soul. I accidentally directed attention away from the actual Famine because it was Famine day and I thought they were covering for real Famine and they were whispering with 2
    turns out 2 was the original Baker but they were still a Heretic so I won by accidentally hanging the wrong heretic
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personally I care about animal suffering but not a ton about animal death (like, except when it affects a person). by extension I think I would care about disease suffering but not about diseases dying, but the evidence that a bacterium can meaningfully suffer is pretty minimal for normal definitions of ‘suffer’ while the evidence that some animals can suffer is pretty robust (depending on the animal species – some animals probably don’t have much if any capacity for suffering, like aiui clams are in this category? could be wrong)

separately I’m more willing to make tradeoffs in the genre of ‘humans slightly less happy, animals more happy’ than ‘humans slightly more dead, animals more happy’ but that’s pretty dependent on my personal ethics system and your values might be different


Leafia was your Jackal

She walked into a Veteran n2



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I lost a button clicking contest as last coven in final 3 so


skill issue

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fuck wonder guard

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Yeah so you didn’t commit


You wanted to kill me but you didn’t go through


Doesn’t matter how much you wanna if I talk you out of it every time~


life could be a dream

life could be a dream


john poptarts is dead
it’s so fucking over


Grrrr you little…

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