Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Guys I need an anaeerr

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A person who believes procreation is morally wrong, basically

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So would you kill the five guys

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casey can kill a guy orange juice the side by turning the train?

what did his orange juice do to them


canā€™t believe youā€™re asking N.1 to kill the five guys who founded five guys


tutuu isnā€™t here




@tutuu come here tootie :blush: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: psspspspspspspspspspspspspspsp

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probably he should

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The brakes of the train that Casey Jones is driving have just failed. There are five people on the track ahead of the train. There is no way that they can get off the track before the train hits them. The track has a siding leading off to the right, and Casey can hit a button to direct the train onto it. Unfortunately, there is one person stuck on the siding. Casey can turn the train, killing one person; or he can allow the train to continue onwards, killing five people.

Should he turn the train (1 dead); or should he allow it to keep going (5 dead)?

Turn the Train
Allow the Train to Keep Going

yes five guys is too fucking expensive

five guys are dying

The most extreme antinatalists subscribe to an omnicidal philosophy. Iā€™m very mild though

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N.1 i think you would make a good buddhist

obligatory thatā€™s a joke

Interesting. you do not believe there is any general moral requirement to maximise the happiness of the greatest number of people, yet you think that Casey Jones ought to divert the train. Thereā€™s no contradiction here, but it would be interesting to know what thoughts motivated your decision. For now, though, letā€™s see what you make of the scenario below.

The Fat Man on the Bridge (Scenario 2 of 4)

Marty Bakerman is on a footbridge above the train tracks. He can see that the train approaching the bridge is out of control, and that it is going to hit five people who are stuck on the track just past the bridge. The only way to stop the train is to drop a heavy weight into its path. The only available heavy enough weight is a (very) fat man, who is also watching the train from the footbridge. Marty can push the fat man onto the track into the path of the train, which will kill him but save the five people already on the track; or he can allow the train to continue on its way, which will mean that the five will die.

Should he push the fat man onto the track (1 dead); or allow the train to continue (5 dead)?

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ā€œit was too expensiveā€

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i believe in economics for my moral theory

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ā€œim very mild, i dont support omnicideā€

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trolley problem is that song that would come on the radio every. single. time. and you slowly start to despise it until eventually u cant hear the song without being super annoyed bc its overplayed