Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


hey chloe


I guess if the harm is like massively bigger than the benefit, then more people being involved means itā€™s worse to help people (but either way it doesnā€™t change the question of whether itā€™s good or bad)


one day arete will have to explain the works of peter singer to the fol mod team and that day is the day we should all be scared


Iā€™m going to bed I sure hope I donā€™t wake up to cookie thread still debating unanswerable questions

Iā€™ve definitely talked about the drowning child essay before but maybe just in debatechat

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i think its kinda fucked up to inflict suffering on random people to cure people from walking but i donā€™t have a moral guide

Who works at a desk and who doesnā€™t

Not like that :sob:

oh is that peter singer
yea drowning child is overplayed too

maybe it is
maybe it isnā€™t idk

I wouldnt do it, ppl dont deserve it

my answer is no and I still think that how much it helps and hurts does matter but ya I didnt realize it was a question of ā€œdoes the scale matterā€

im writing down yes

You own an unoccupied property. You are contacted by a refugee group which desperately needs somewhere to house a person seeking asylum who is being unjustly persecuted in a foreign country. Your anonymity is assured. You have every reason to believe that no harm will come to your property. Are you morally obliged to allow them to use your property?

Strongly Obliged
Weakly Obliged
Not Obliged

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Not at all lmao

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i mean. if the utility of curing a person is equal to the negative utility of preventing a person from walking. then you have a net positive and increasing the scale scales up that net positive and makes it better.

but if the negative utility was higher enough than the positive to make it a net negative then it would be scaling up a negative and making things worse.

bad question


Both. I think.
But i work less at a table, so I might be categorized as ā€œnot working at a tableā€

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You could argue you are obligated to report them

What are the nationalities involved here?
Iā€™m a zionist so


then yes because once you do this alchemical transmutation you can take 100 people as sacrificial lambs to cure the 10000 sacrifices. then take 1 person to sacrifice for the 100. so in the end one person is sacrificed for any number of people, and not even permanently. they can just be first in the next list of people and be cured. they can have a social position of a martyr and receive lots of benefits

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