Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

my brother would have so much to say about this :joy_cat:

Ive done it before i felt sick
I still died bc i missed my shots but they turned around

this is consistent with your world view yeh i get why
i agree it doesn’t really change i dont even know my cousins well

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i think yes. i wouldnt do it for anyone though, maybe only my mom. id rather have guilt and keep my kidney


i don’t even have any first cousins lmao. i ain’t devoting my kidney to someone who’s at best imaginary and at worst a scammer

oh thats true
i may do it for money reasons
does that make me a bad person
but also
i have a kidney
i like having two
i need compensation for giving up one
nothing bad ever happened to me for having two kidenies

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I prob wouldnt donate my kidney but only bc kidney & liver problems run in my family so thatd prob be a bad idea

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I was best friends with my cousin for a good part of last year, but then he exploded at me

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so i in fact have LESS obligation to donate my kidney to a cousin

yeah, something along those lines

also my attitude towards donating to charity, like as point of fact I don’t donate my entire discretionary budget to charity but I do set a minimum percentage and donate at minimum that much [to charities that I’ve done more than 15 seconds of research about, before anyone raises the ‘what if you’re getting scammed’ objection]


if my aunt was asking for it or someone like thta then yeh
but idk how kideiny tansplants even work

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My colleagues are much more of a family to me than my actual family. This has been true for years and won’t change anytime soon


you’re never beating the scp foundation allegations

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You can save the lives of a thousand patients by cancelling one hundred operations that would have saved the lives of a hundred different patients. Are you morally obliged to do so?


you’re morally obligated to save their life either way, you don’t stop being obligated if they aren’t your cousin so you aren’t more obligated if they are your cousin

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Arete im running a really cool charity called “paying for my taco bell addiction” i can answer any questions you have



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depends on a lot of things




why would cancelling operations help save lives? are the surgeons stupid?