Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

yes obviously

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i dont think im obliged, i think both choices are valid, i would do it probably though

In general the way people understand disability is so strange and weird to me often. There is no alternate universe. There is no version of me that is not disabled.


As a doctor you are responsible for each of your patients. Not more of else’s.

1000 is a wild number
why are there 1000 people needing surgey
did they get into war or something

maybe it’s like, there’s limited slots in the operating theater, and by cancelling the 100 surgeries you make room for 1000 quicker surgeries, and all of those will definitely save a life? or something??

just set up like a temporary hospital or something

if they could do it during covid they can do it now

well usually surgeons prioritze this by not doing surgery on the guy whos brain is falling out of their head and instead doing with the badly injured but recoverable people

no their country just finally legalized gender affirming healthcare


You cannot be sad about it. If I were to be sad about it I would never not be sad. Match my tone. If I bring something up casually then I desire for you to treat it casually.

philosophers have some kind of brainworm i think. they are incapable of approaching certain topics like a normal human

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Are your moral obligations to people in your own country or community stronger than those to people in other countries and communities (assuming no unusual circumstances - for example, suffering because of famine - in either your own country/community or other countries/communities)?


hey i recognize this excerpt from famine, affluence, and morality

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you can’t trick me peter singer

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Everybody in this world is me. Morality is easy

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i mean
it depends on the specific disability/illness
like I absolutely want to not be fatally allergic to nuts (i’m aware not everyone considers this a disability per se but it illustrates my point)