Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

if it’s singeresque

You deliberately sabotage a piece of machinery in your work place so that when someone next uses it there will be an accident which will result in that person losing the use of their legs. Are you morally responsible for their injury?

Partly Responsible
Not Responsible

really tough tbh

…yes? what kinda question

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what if they deserved it
it’s their fault for not paying attention

Like. There is nothing to regret. There is nothing I can change by wishing I did not have a disability. There is no lesson there is no takeaway. All there is to do is seek practical and real accommodation


yes 100% what

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me when i deliberately sabotage a workplace machine to cause injury (funny)



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Even if they deserved it that doesnt mean u arent responsible

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n.1 on their way to say “nah that happens in my workplace all the time. occupational hazard. you gotta look out for it.”

alright next one

You know the identity of someone who has committed a serious crime resulting in a person being badly injured. Are you morally obliged to reveal their identity to an appropriate authority so that they are dealt with justly?

Strongly Obliged
Weakly Obliged
Not Obliged

this might be a trick question to catch serial killers


yes this is the same fucking question

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as the brother one

TO be fair serial killers have a hard time winning as it is
do you need to make it worse

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No not at all, unless you are a fed

What? You inexplicably and deliberately cripple the business for no reason and then this has a side effect of crippling a colleague? I’d make sure we sue you into the ground lmao what a horridly moronic decision

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compare this to the sabo one

“hey guys i know someone who sabo’d the machine”

VOTE: someone