Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

yes, though i would be very concerned with my own safety and id weigh that factor in before i make a decision

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oh, like how the machinery one is the same as the blindness one

Yah wanting those is obviously practical and something distinct from the phenomenon I am talking about. Seeking treatments and accommodations is in fact the healthy reaction to disability

The thing I discuss ehre is a very specific attitude of disability as a Tragedy where we must Mourn what Could Have Been even when that achieves nothing. It just feels the attitude of somebody who hasnā€™t yet grasped that that implies I must spend my life in perpetual mourning

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What if it used by the wrong person next?

Itā€™s obviously on you, either it hit the intended target or not.

Look the ā€œmind your own businessā€ rule applies here


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major concern yeah
if its like a group of people and you are only taking down one of them i aint see nuthing

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(yes i value the machinery at my job more than my own eyesight)

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You can save the lives of ten innocent people by killing one other innocent person. Are you morally obliged to do so?


Like personally the only time you are obligated to report it is if the person hurt is somebody you know


Nonsensical need value

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yes, trolley problem if it was awesome

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we are almost done guys
i have one more 4 question quiz after this just to see whether we survive

then im done for the night

yes; i dont know if i would

You are required to send a person a gift, and you have bought a bottle of drink to send to them. However, you discover it is poison and if consumed will cause blindness in the drinker. To replace it with a non-contaminated bottle will cost you UKĀ£10.00. You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker?

Partly Responsible
Not Responsible

can you send a link so i can do it to im curious

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