Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

of course responsible

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Iā€™m assuming you almost got your legs chopped off.

well there are also laws against committing mass genocide but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re correct


your not the one whoā€™s job it is to make sure its safe

arctic do you realize what you just said

Why would you hide that kind of detail? It could chop your leg the next timeā€¦

Blue collar operations are reliant on their workers being open with all matters of the workplace. Any form of omission is indefensible


You become aware that a piece of machinery in your workplace is faulty and that if it is not repaired then there will soon be an accident which will result in someone losing the use of their legs. Despite knowing that nobody else is aware of the fault, you take no action. Shortly afterwards, the accident occurs, and someone does lose the use of their legs. Are you morally responsible for their injury?

Partly Responsible
Not Responsible

I actually tried to delete the message but since Iā€™m on mobile I fat fingered reply instead of delete

You can save the lives of a million innocent people by killing a hundred thousand others. Are you morally obliged to do so?


You already did this one?

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if it isnā€™t your job then can you really be held liable


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okay slow down there torres

this is the same fucking scaling up question. it absolutely depends on how you weigh 1 life vs 1 death

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This is basically the 1-10 question scaled up

ā€œPiece of machinery in your workplaceā€

I mean, I think everybody has. I certainly felt my own disability as a Tragedy at first. Processed it that way. ā€œOh what I could be doing if not for, if not forā€. That is a way to drive yourself insane. There is no world but what is. Obviously, not everybody will think that way about things. Thatā€™s fine.

The thing that always bothers me is when people impose their own sense of Tragicness on me, you know? They treat what is mundane to me as something I Should Be Sad About, and imply that I therefore Should Be Sad. I donā€™t want to be sad itā€™s unpleasant. I dunno Iā€™m idly talking at Past Midnight

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whoever was paid to make this quiz got lazy and just copy pasted questions

is it morally wrong to fire or underpay the quiz maker for doing such a shoddy job, despite you having a contract
