Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

and literally nobody who has a child would ever pick the 2nd option unless they want their kid to die

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I doubt any sane person would pick than other’s kid, even if it’s morally bad…


save the ten, i would save my own and realistically almost everyone would

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i would pick the second option especially if my child was a fol catperson

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yeah i feel like you are emotionally invested there and kinda have a social contract and obligation to save your child from becoming a statiistic

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If i was still head over heels for my partner then i’d never give up the kid

logically this feels obvious when you say it
but also I realize how much I have viewed some disabilities as a tragedy now that I read this

this killed me

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it didn’t ask what I’d pick, it asked what I was morally obligated to pick. it’s possible that if I had a kid I’d make the morally wrong choice of saving my own child and letting ten kids die.


Blindness as A Discrete Badness that happens to other people and can be cured or uncured and which holds some set amount of Negative Moral Value. Or even the opposite perspective of ohhh well it improves your other senses so it’s good actually. It’s not good or bad it just is. Accepting stuff for anything other than “is” is foreign to me

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yea your morally obligated to pick your child

the people who make these scenarios are psychopaths btw. i feel like it needs to be known

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99% of the time

Morally obligated? Give me the value of the lives. How brilliant and athletic is each child

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They are all May


You become aware that a piece of machinery in your workplace is faulty and that if it is not repaired then there will soon be an accident which will result in someone losing the use of their legs. Despite knowing that nobody else is aware of the fault, you take no action. Shortly afterwards, the accident occurs, and someone does lose the use of their legs. Are you morally responsible for their injury?

Partly Responsible
Not Responsible

One trillion percent

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this is definitely covered in a definition of legal culpability

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How you became aware in the first place?