Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

the person who is created at the end of the teleporter is indisputably me but i as the specific conciousness will cease to exist
i would rather be killed in a vacuum of space really


for me its 100% dyying vs 50% dying but arete might have a different opnion and they answred first

that a lie actually i like space

space travel
you die just to create a clone in option one


spacecraft mfers when they donā€™t have the exact brain composition when they wake up after a nap (clearly they just died)


its not the title that makes a person
weā€™re not a ship

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I love being alive. I love suffering. I love it all. A clone is not going to claim my flesh and blood

And itā€™s a morality question masked as a mortality questionā€¦

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arete yeh or nay sticking with your option?

sticking with my opinion

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not really morality
philosophy yeah, but no moral judgement asked

i feel like mortality deals with other people
this deals with your own

Either i get to keep the vessel, or no one does

arete has been vented they were imposter


Iā€™ve survived enough rands in turbos to take the odds of a 50 50


I mean dying in space is much more rare to tho

itā€™s definitely gonna kill us i can tell just from how the question is framed that the quiz maker is spacecraft pilled. but teleportation is correct

i like to think of fol as a system right now
we guys are so disorganized its amainzg
lets see if we can survive this!


rare death collectors

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Staying Alive - The Scenarios

The teletransportation has taken place. Welcome to Mars!

Round 2 - Silicon or Virus?

Life on Mars turns out not to be a bed of roses. In fact, two strange viruses have evolved on the planet which are causing a lot of problems. The first destroys body parts. Fortunately, medical science is very advanced, which means people can simply be given artificial limbs and organs as required. Youā€™ve been hit pretty hard by this virus and, in fact, almost your entire body is now made up of artificial parts.

However, there exists a second virus that attacks the brain. It is peculiarly nasty in that it doesnā€™t destroy the brain, rather it messes up the neural pathways, leading to a loss of memory and also a change in personality traits. One person who had the virus had been a successful author. Now he canā€™t write a word, but heā€™s become rather good at exotic dancing. It is indeed an odd virus.

Unfortunately, you have carelessly managed to catch the virus. Medics can get around the virus by replacing pieces of the brain with advanced forms of silicon chip. In your case, they would have to do this to almost all of your brain. But trials show that you can be sure that the result will be the total preservation of your memories, personality, plans, beliefs and so on, and a person as able to carry on living a normal life as is, well, normal.

The alternative is to succumb to the virus with its consequent loss of memory and change in character.

You must make the choice which you think will give your self the biggest chance of surviving.

Iā€™ll take the silicon, thanks
Let the virus do its worst