Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

My hair isn’t that different from his honestly

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i had to read singer for my intro philo class too if it’s any consolation

elementary, my dear wason?

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Philosophically what makes a cat a good kitty

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intro to philo

From a utilitarian perspective

not getting into a box in the closet

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oh is that an all majors course at your college
if so rip

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Introduction to Philosophy: Lunatic

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you’re my minion right

this is representative of how most philosophers are fucking insane

I’m not a moral nihilist but I do believe it’s essentially irrelevant when stacked up against passion and resolve

My mic is fine actually my internet was acting up for a bit

philo lunatic is the guy who sets up the hypothetical scenarios


enough philosophy there’s beene nough for today

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ok actually if it was just looking for consistency then i can accept this, i thought it was just gonna be the quizmaker’s own view of what makes the self


if i put litten in a box and stab it repeatedly is he dead


i don’t like this type of questinoing


Bro there was a dude named ghost i used to play with who always played a suicidal philo klutz

only if you open the box