Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back


We don’t know until we observe the results…

is cereal a soup

gu…guys please don’t stab me

The actual klutz got so pissed off every time


is tutuu cringe

Have you heard the story of Magnus’s Philosopher Lunatic Fang Gu achievement

well it was talking about re-incarnation where there wasn’t psychological continuity because you didn’t keep your old memories

If he is meowing, he is obviously alive, without opening the box.

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they left out a bunch of possible views though

schrodinger’s cat was actually originally intended to show how ridiculous the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is. schrodinger would fucking hate how much it caught on in pop culture i think

I want applie pie with ice cream, good and not bad

this is why you got to get sound proof boxes for your philio experiments



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there were only like 2 choices so i don’t blame them for not being super deep

(which is inevitable in an end-post for a quiz that attempts to give a definitive list of the possible answers) (why did they make such an end post)

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atlas is here settle down

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hey litten wanna help advance science

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no i htae science

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