Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

we run humans through woodchippers?

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i don’t do it to understand them

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of course if you run a model through a similar model it’s never going to output “the entire foundation of our field is flawed”, because if the entire foundation of the field is flawed then it wouldn’t fucking know that

fuck you fuck you fuck you

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too slow

Idk much about the topic but human brains use human brains to understand human brains so I don’t see the problem using ai to help better understand ai’s

oh gods are we getting close to P vs. NP posting because i feel we’re getting close here

i like when ai is forced to learn off other ai because it slowly but very surely breaks apart until they become totally incoherent

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for reference i also think that psychology is a fundamentally flawed field that must be utterly reconstructed from first principles

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like idk, to me all of this AI talk is done with bad perspective

The purpose of the tech is to be able to handle things that it would take millions of humans to do as a conglomerate, instead we just built that conglomerate in a lab.

Like why would we expect a single human to understand the conglomerate made for millions

tell this to physicscels PLEASE
yes i get that your funkonewton altrocks velocitate at the speed of pi or whatever but energy is not real and you cannot prove that to me

Oh fair

You have pretty interesting takes

ici takes go hard as hell i cant lie



Of course you need a 2nd conglomerate to analyze the entire 1st conglomerate


okay, sure, a single human could never comb through the data points, and i’m not suggesting we don’t utilise machines to help in data analysis, I’m not that much of a luddite, but, like

sure, a single guy couldn’t do it, but that doesn’t mean we have to immediately turn to the machine that’s fueled by spying on literally everyone that we don’t understand in order to try to… understand itself

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something something all experience is ultimately derived from the senses and the senses can be flawed so we can’t truly know anything blah blah blah

all discourse is philosophyposting in a trenchcoat

so we should stop trying to know anything and become village people

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