Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


  • very hard only
  • using a guide for organizing what to do each day
  • avoid grinding whenever possible
  • I am allowed to look stuff up except boss / enemy parameters

I’ll be marking down how many times I die for each fight


i am expecting to bowl things over and probably have the most difficulty with the first actual dungeon

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Might do more bomomy morboratiom runs tonight

Iirc, one of the characters is hiding her discomfort with being sexualized as a teen idol and her resulting fear that she might secretly desire said attention. This gets visualized into a strip club.

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I think the most fun kind of difficulty in games is when it’s challenging but beatable without looking up “how do I beat X”. For a long time, the super boss Penance in FFX was considered to be the most difficult boss in a main line Final Fantasy game, and even for optimal parties the fight takes like 45 minutes. The issue is the fight is so absurdly difficult that most people approach it in a very similar way: max out literally everyone in all stats, get the ultimate weapons, get approximately optimal accessories, and spam Quick Hit. The difficulty is really patience to spend the hours and hours and hours to get everything you need to beat the boss rather than the boss itself requiring any particular strategy and there’s frankly no way you even did all of the content leading up to that boss without being well on your way to maxing everyone out.

But idk if a game has a wall that’s so steep my instinct is to just look up how to beat it, I don’t really find that all that fun or interesting anymore. And like yeah I could sit there and bash my head against it for hours to figure it out, but I don’t find that fun either.

I think Souls games approximate a good sense of difficulty with some regularity where you lose, but you understand often understand at least on some level about what you can do better. Sekiro is probably the game that does this the best when it does it well. So many of those boss fights are difficult, but you feel like you can keep climbing and get better. A free indie game came out on Steam, Kunagi Usagi, that’s blatantly a Sekiro clone with everything stripped out except boss fights against NPCs and it was genuinely so fun to me. My first playthrough I committed to getting the highest score possible on each boss (kill within a time limit and do not use healing items). I did it in like 2 hours and just had a blast.

Anyway my point is I want more games like Kanagi Usagi and something about difficultly in video games

Persona 4 and the Persona/SMT franchises in general are always so close to saying something interesting and just never do. They never stick the landing.

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hi graey

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hi gay


Dream of the Red Chamber fact: there are many instances where the teenager characters in the novel write riddles. They’re fairly amateurish riddles, because they were written by teenagers, and don’t always have super clean and obvious solutions on a first reading.

…and some of the riddles don’t have solutions given in the text. And they’re full of 18th-century cultural allusions. And even the 18th and 19th century readers disagreed on what the solutions were.

So there’s just a bunch of fucking unsolved riddles in this book

they would’ve loved quizbowl


the chamber riddler

May wen do u want to play Radioheaed Videogame

may when do you want to do crack

I’m reading Dream of the Red Chamber right now and I have 8 more chapters to catch up on that I should’ve technically read by today

I would argue that this immediately makes the difficulty of a persona game significantly less lol

O kay

are you sick of me
would you like to be
I’m trying to tell you something
something that I already said

I feel like this is an inopportune time to post those lyrics,

I do not follow