Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

hey may if you were a medieval and or fantasy character what weapon would you choose

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What would the exact mechanics of that be? Just “jail shows if any masons got beamed”, or “jail shows how many masons got beamed”, or

i typically try and eat healthier but sometimes I just gotta eat something dawg. hitting enough calories to not slide in weight is not always easy on a vegetarian diet


when i say beam i mean ‘in the pool that got jailed’
former changes the least about the game


I dont have that much money :skull_and_crossbones: our food is cheaper but our wages dont proportionally scale down compared to match your dollar / calorie example

Its oki thank u i appreciate you :heart: im cooking for myself and i reached about 3k

Right but is it a binary true/false masons were beamed or a number of them

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That’s the question I’m asking

Not anything else

“2 masons got jailed today” or “there were masons in the jail today”

yeah ik its diff in diff countries. 10 bucks for 2000 calories of fast food w/ no drinks is a super insane ratio in USA. I avoid any fast food that isn’t that one specific item at taco bell cuz i couldnt afford it


Ummm good question. It depends a bit on, like, how realistic we’re being w/r/t physical ability. I used to fence, but I don’t think I could manage with anything but a reaaaally really light sword. And even then it probably wouldn’t cut well in my hands. Realistically I’d need like a short blade or something.

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lilith is scythe

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oh ok
binary true / false where true is when > 0 masons were beamed


actually now that I think about it from a player perspective that might not work well
recommendation is to just proceed with current version

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specifically it doesn’t solve the problem of masons not really having to avoid being scumread and them being scumread being a good thing usually
having true is usually better than having false

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Why do you think I have the hand coordination to use a butterfly knife?

oh i thought u meant wolves learned true/false

if only wolves learn true / false that problem isn’t actually solved

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you’re pretty good at perfectly typing the same string of letters together over and over


L m a o

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