Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

eliza did you miss that

you didnt right

I’m speaking to bias as a general concept in the post you originally replied to
But even in the hypothetical no sense person they may have preferred thoughts or thought processes



…you referring to religion?

I just fucking said “I got this” and free throwed a fuckin arrow bang on

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i am referring to the objective fact that biases are present in all people whether unconcious or concious and whether major or minor

damn is that anti-mormon-ism I see


I’ll concede that people who are blind etc may not have direct racial biases though

glad to see we learned nothing about implicit biases from this conversation


lilith out here with the “eat the rich means eat the rich” in fucking shellshock

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sometimes. Ur not like chloe type of funny (improvisational) but you have a situational comedic charm. probably your best works of comedy are as the butt of a joke which is underappreciated work but without you/arctic there’d be maybe 1/5th as much material as there is now

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They could interact with The World though that like
Gives them biases

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if somebody has a sense of taste theyre gonna be biased to what food they like
my point is that if somebody cant see, hear, or feel, it is absolutely impossible for them to have a racial bias
is it super super specific. yes. does it not address the main point, yes
but the statement itself is wrong

yeah everyone has had bad arguments only i have had the proper ones but im too lazy to type them out

my friend

I proceeded to nail a god rays on eliza but wind L

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a blind person could very easily be biased against certain types of voices (the easiest example is they might treat someone with a feminine voice differently than a person with a masculine voice and think of them differently as well)

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maybe i dont like progressives…


first thing i cut out was hearing because i figured out that possibility and adjusted

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