Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

yeah i cant find the other times we discussed it because of ninteen eighty four by george orwell

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nevermind i found one

that was also the same conversation where you showed me two birds. good job ig

damn. i am good at discord stalking and yet it is such a bad habit i think

eliza is judging me and im scared


I 19 until I 84

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good news is that i made my spy alt leave the server it was spying on

damn that’s pretty graceful aging

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who up bluing they clue

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she 19 on my 84 til i george orwell

she blued on my clues

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spysapper3000 has breached our defenses

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holy shit…

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i replaced it with willful ignorance personally

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i try but it is Extremely tempting

not the best habit to have but yet it is hard to break
good news is that i cant use spysapper3000 anymore

bad news is i still look up old discord conversations

like a year ago i went through my accounts to clear my alts from discord mafia lol
i just discarded most of them already but i got rid of them completely then. had a good chat with lune