Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Help! “alt account I use for trolling” has fallen and it can’t get up!

god damn discord mafia

what does “had a good chat” mean

personally i use discord mafia exclusively as a secondary testing ground for my shitty ideas

talked to about everything that happened

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taking it as a secretly bad chat, got it

given the fact lune is the one that said the slurs to warn the guy saying slurs

…it was a fine chat eliza

oh nvm

this is like the one thing i know about them


lune doing that is insane ive never seen lune like that lmao

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allegedly he got fired from guillo’s staff for disagreeing with guillo though

to be fair ive not interacted with these people in 2 years

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fair enough

i swear that discord was so odd

I posted in it a few times then never again

then i left

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this seems in-character for both
