Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

if i ignore them theyll think i didnt see it and repost it again


tutuu literally copies my purposeful fucking up but he only purposefully fucks up. you need to mix in genuine fuck ups


dream journal:

tutuu covered creep by radiohead and posted it as a part of a bet

i put my entire debit card inside of my mouth for a bit and it stopped working

youbie released a song that hit #6 on spotify

and a buncha vague irl stuff that isn’t interesting


Nono during fam 4 we all started ignoring him and he just left the chat

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I straight up do not believe you

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@tutuu cover creep right now

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which special interest was it about

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it was vaguely fam4 related. something about a technitian which is a role that has increased ITA vulnerability (idt thats a real thing)

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did we fucking swap dreams?

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idr anything else idt i listened to it in my dreams

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meanwhile my dream last night was a work stress related dream

i guess im a boring old adult


i listened to the tutuu one

it was on YT and had… old school runescape as the background?

he got a lot of lyrics wrong
that and the debit card were definitely the most vivid

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I have the singing voice of a pig with pneumonia being slaughtered

that was part of mine i just didn’t mention it lol

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I know I dreamed because I took it as evidence I slept but I already forgot what it was

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oh my god the mental image of tutuu doing a radiohead RSMV is so fucking funny


it wasnt a rsmv it was just like the background

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still yes that is conceptually silly

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Stop putting things in your mouth

this is disappointing but now i am imagining it so too late

the RSMV era of youtube was peak youtube

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