Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

call again

but then olgei will die

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it seems like you save olgei by doing nothing and you save anita by shooting olgei. by doing nothing (i.e. calling again) you are saving olgei bc hes taking out anita


This uh could probably use a few stitches
If you have insurance i would go to urgent care (not ER)


so that’s pretty likely to scar if you don’t get it checked out

tbh it’s probably fine to leave like this if you have no better option (it looks to me more like a chunk missing than a cut, if this is true I don’t think stitches are really an option but if that is not true and it is a cut then yeah sure go the stitches route) but you’re gonna wanna be washing it regularly, using some kinda antibiotic like a Neosporin, and being sure to bandage it properly to keep it clean and protected

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Yeah I’m saving Olgei

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that being said if you can visit an urgent care clinic (again, not the hospital emergency room lol) it’s not a bad idea and probably shouldn’t be too expensive to do

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also im ngl i kinda just assumed fire was black for literally this entire time

guess not

My biggest hopes for the election lies in

  1. Biden dropping out (looking unlikely)
  2. Increasing coverage of project 2025 (and hopefully it stays that way) resulting in those who would vote for trump because they hate Biden that much voting for Biden because they realize how dangerous trump is
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people are very unlikely to vote for a registered felon, who arent already alt right

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biden dropping out i really don’t think would work. nobody else has campaigned enough to even get close totaking biden’s slot. biden dropping out would basicalyl gurantee trump the election


this is Not True actually


it’s time for big gretch



It definitely would have been better earlier but it’s a bit late

And yeah that’s what I’m saying

I’m pretty sure trump just Wins due to how much establishment democrats have already given up


honestly nobody is better at defeating democrats in elections than establishment democrats