Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

theyre not easy to make if youre trying to make me jealous

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theyre cheap and filling
especially in october

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?? theyre literalyl so easy we made them multiple times in my foods class

i was gonna say when i worked at subway i was the QUEEN of cookies. i baked them so well every time without fail. other people would burn them CONSATNYL but i always did them right.

anyway sugar cookies suck so i won’t make them but i am now tempted to make some double-chocolate cookies

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im not quite sure what type of cookie youre referring to?

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i think i have some on my desk actually

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We’re playing “guess whether the review’s postiive or negative (and hte playtime)” in a VC reading out Lobocorp and Ruina reviews

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like chocolate dough with chocolate chips

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one second i’ll try to get up




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oh ybw was talking about the double-chocolate

sugar cookies are based though

and she was assuming i meant double chocolate by sugar cookies

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no? ik what sugar cookies are i haev baked them before

i said “i wont make sugar cookies but i will make double-chocolate cookies”