Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

The Suit of Cups Tarot cards deal with the emotional level of consciousness and are associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections.

The Suit of Cups is associated with the element of water. Water is fluid, agile and ‘in flow’ but it’s also very powerful and formative. It can be soft and gentle, like waves lapping against the sandy shore, or it can be powerful and even forceful, like a raging river.

The element of water is symbolic of fluidity, feelings and emotions, intuition, relationships, healing, and cleansing. It is a feminine element and reflects the subtle power that often resides within women. It is receptive, adaptable, purifying and flowing.

In a deck of playing cards, Cups corresponds to Hearts.


i have no idea what the numbers mean still but lol

society if i scrolled down more


i see

this also applies to things that say feminine or masculine because i don’t think that’s a very good way to rank people!

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yeah i figured dw

also the classic fortune teller tricks strike again

yeah honestly fair enough though

Strength Reversed: Get Professional Help

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My least favourite words are “until stiff peaks form”

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… i should probabblyy mention that i only looked at the definition you get in the first sentence


let’s go gambling!


may im so sorry
it was “inner strength low energy and emotion”


DW I selectively screenshot the most unflattering part of the description for the bit


Aww I’m with my girlfriends now it was so timely to see this. One of them is literally doing a tarot reading right now. Uncanny timing


atlas has moved up like 4 tiers in the [REDACTED] tier list

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“Guards! Guards!” is the fantasy version of “Mods! Mods!”


Neighbour brought us an insane piece of fish he caught

insane as in he was cracked for catching it or insane as in it has 3 heads and speaks latin