Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Cracked for catching

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i don’t think four of pentacles has any positive connotations attached to it whatsoever it just calls me greedy and a hoarder

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Gap between meringue and crust detected. What’s the point of even being here

ive become the physical embodiment of greed morty

I finally gave in and stopped trying to hand whip the meringue (this was a stupid idea) and tossed it in the mixer and overwhipped it cause I underestimated how much I’d already whipped it


On the plus side it’s nominally done

Just has to cool

do you guys also get a fever when anyone gets minorly mad at them or is that just me


I found where the software engineers got their professor from


this did not go well in fam 4


your professor is random indian guys on youtube who singlehandedly carry the market


and your pen is plagiarism
a lot of it

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who actually writes their own code in 2024 are you insane

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software devs are so lazy that they have invented something called “chatgpt” which plagerises as many sources as possible with even less quality


When I was separating the eggs I accidentally got a bit of yolk in the whites because I’m skill issued (shaky hands) and I was immediately mentally like “oh no this sets a bad example for being a FoL mod, I can’t be doing this anymore as a mod,” and then promptly realised how absolutely nonsensical that thought was


if i were to go by the definition in the paragraphs id have absolutely nothing to rank half of you on

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life before chatgpt: 2 hours writing code, 6 hours debugging
life after chatgpt: 5 minutes writing code, 36 hours debugging


watch out programmers they’ll be taking your jobs soon