Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

thatd cause the chests to deliver only a few bone meal per round
needs to trigger on a low power the first time and on high the second. so two torches

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I also tried to build a minecart terminal and system to divert you to one of many tracks based on the number. I’m not great with Redstone circuits though. Like I understand logic gates so I could figure how to send signals but the making them condensed is the tough part.

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yeah i have a tendency to fuck it we ball. they work. eventually
a 2 state system like that is fairly easy though. its requesting or its not. when you get into the multi state it gets a lil wacky

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thankfully when its like this i just need a comparator and one redstone torch at around 3 power to turn the top rail on and a dust circuit going to around 10 power in to turn on the bottom rail.

less than 3 power sends the minecart down, more than 10 sends it up, tada autofiller

idk what about yesterday makes you think there’s anything to reclaim


im literally not allowed to care about people anymore

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who could’ve seen this coming


In the latest chapter of a fic I was reading a character had a nearly identical thought. It was uncanny. And very good.

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tbf the way the crying negatively affected me was uhhhhhh probably fairly unique but i’m glad even the nonexistent transfems among us can agree on crying supremacy

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Yeah it was like “I don’t care if crying in front of people is embarrassing sometimes, I’m never going back to being numb” and that’s how I feel about it. I love being able to feel

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me waiting for this

for me it was like, before i would get a lot of when you feel a sneeze coming, and you inhale and make the weird face but it never actually comes and you just look and feel stupid, but with crying instead of sneezing, and now i just fucking cry and it’s so much more satisfying lol

crying in front of people is a lil uncomfortable but not that big of a deal for me cuz like, i’ve always been treated as “precious autistic child must protect” by people around me so i’m kinda used to it lol

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I hate it. I hate it so much


I mostly just get good at not crying. Unfortunately talking while stressed tends to cause significant jaw pain for me and that used to break me down to the point of crying in any kind of like, argument with authority figure. But if I am not specifically 1. extremely stressed 2. talking 3. otherwise physically ill e.g. from being out all day I will not cry. I don’t ever cry when I’m alone for this reason


the bigger deal for me with crying was uh

tw not eating

i’ve struggled with anorexia (not the dysmorphia kind just loss of appetite), and it started out as just an unintentional thing that coincided with mental health but then i started fueling it intentionally at points. i had a handful of coping mechanisms that would help me deal with the feeling of hunger, the biggest ones were excessive sleep and water, and the less i ate over time the less hunger i’d feel so the effect of these coping mechanisms was cumulative.

at some point i realized that crying also worked as one of these mechanisms, idk the science but it kinda made that same feeling of chemical catharsis in my body that eating does? and it really really made me get over hunger at least temporarily, so sometimes i would try and like, think of things i knew could get me pouring while in one of my depression curl-ups, i’m not sure how much of it was with the intention of not eating but i definitely made the mental connection of “my shrink-into-a-ball-and-cry sessions help me not eat” at some point and they increased

that made it snowball to the point where i could tangibly feel my body didn’t have enough energy to function as normal, i believe i bottomed out at one hard boiled egg as my meal for a day and hovered thereabouts for a few weeks, and even a month or two afterward even the thought of food made me feel uneasy and i’d have to excuse myself if like, there was a big event and every activity was food-based or something. there was one family reunion where my aunt who didn’t know the situation but normally loves to cook for me and gets somewhat protective of me kept checking how much i’d eaten and kept talking like she was convinced i was still hungry and i just kinda snuck out and broke down.

i got out of it though! the single biggest thing that helped me get out of it was snacking. i knew anorexia was a thing but i didn’t yet know how bad it could get, i’m really, really glad it was mild enough of a case that i could deal with it myself in a relatively short period of time, because i’ve seen what some people have to do to deal with the worst cases of it and it looks like absolute hell.


wiwwith talking about miney crafters reminds me that @Chloe wans to play it with me but

i said i wanted to play mc
never said i wanted to play it with u tyvm

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oh ok ill play po3 alone then :(

I remain amazed that you two aren’t bickering siblings.