Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I played Mafia on MU and played a game with FoLers (after having interacted with them briefly at other times), and it was a lot of fun and Chloe invited me to breadbox at some point after that.


@tutuu lore


Do you enjoy being here? Nice to have you as always


Yeah! I like the people here and mafia was a big part of my life for a few years. I’m happy they let me help out with FAM


TOW :sunglasses: NY

yeah planning this stuff suuucks. just like real life
im lucky to be on a server that allows gravity dupers so we have technically infinite sand and gravel. right now it only goes down to -4 but we’ve left space for it to go down another 60 blocks if its needed. this space should be able to hold Literally Everything we’ll Ever Need

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chunk loaders only load a 3x3 chunk area for entities but the surrounding chunks are loaded for redstone. thats the entire reason they were included. in reality, redstone will probably not go too far outside the chunks so instead thatll be used for stuff that is not a farm

like storage. we have enough shulkers for all the concrete so once theyre used we’re gonna use the same shulkers for a super compact storage system, either with a simple cycle system or with some kind of search engine hybrid. vanilla is insane now

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to optimise the farms there will probably be multiple bone meal farms at the top of the farm so that farms that rely on bone meal can send “requests” up to it (probably using minecart chests, observers and walls/pistons to send signals to the top when the bone meal is running low)
alternatively we just make such an absurd amount of bone meal farms that some farms needing more bone meal when its being spread out evenly doesnt matter. That one is probably easier. However making a bone meal api sounds Really Funny


worst decision of my life…


that was literally less than my reaction time you didnt read that shit

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we did get jenna too though so i guess there was one W


it wouldnt even be that hard! comparators will stop sending a signal when theres a low amount of stuff in a dispenser which goes into a redstone torch, that controls whether the top powered rail or the bottom one is on (if the redstone torch is off, the top one is off and the bottom one is on and reverse), making the minecart chest only move when the dispenser isnt filled enough! thatd stop hoppers from getting “clogged” with bone meal as bone meal would only be held in the minecart chests and the bonemeal storage

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chloe we need to cook

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can i make top ramen


bitch you make bottom ramen


…i need to reclaim my spot on the pecking order after yesterday

