Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

do people generally call it the ss

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Idk I just shortened it to ss

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Hold on, you thought I was trolling? That’s a first.

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It appears I have made a continuous and severe lapse in my memory judgment



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You are someone who just spread political disinformation. As someone who doesn’t like to shit on people anymore, I just wanted to ask if you happened to be trolling, rather than talking about something you were ignorant about.

I’m a kitten I shouldn’t be expected to know these things

Blame may

okay lets cover another talking kitten, meowth

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We should take the term ss for ourselves, dont let the past control our use of words


I think a lot of terms should stay gone because they remind dymbasses like me of them

I don’t want you to suffer

If I am spreading disinformation, that’s out of ignorance. Also, I never claimed to be an expert on these matters.

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Lets say meowth had some less than savoury thoughts about team magma litten. he thought that getting rid of the ocean was cool actually and he agreed with their ecoterrorism. Would he be held responsible or is He just a little boy

How is this My fault

I would hold their owner t responsible

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