Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

chancellor wasnt that bad

yea exactly

it was deifinitly more of a botc role tho.

Taxman checks if they have greater than 2 uses on their limited use abilities (combined) or not, for those curious

oh we also do need to figure out how we’re gonna do Elected King (i’ve determined that starting king is fundamentally unfixable without making EK way way too strong)

other than that
we’ve done everything? i think?
Duke rework is complete so

yeah the list is way way smaller

your gonna do creative design? like art and flavour and such

that’d be based
i couldn’t do art. i could totally do flavor
but i think the flavor would mostly be from a hosting side

i liked what Arete did with stories of each individual role, posted upon their death

i think it works better if the Unseen were not EVIL but it can illustrate the corruption that has come to the land
with every role that dies having some kind of better, former life

ok actually that’s metal. i might write some shit like that later, just for fun

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Okay I’ve been too afraid to ask before but what exactly is Virtuous lol

do you know throne of lies

i can help with the flavour side. thats one thing i can do. art is definitly not something i can do tho

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generally i tell people who are familiar with throne of lies that its like “throne of lies + throne of lies expansion pack”

the setup used to be one of the shitiest tol variants ever. but we have taken it and improved it significantly by reworking every card from the ground up (in the beginning this was to get rid of Alice wording but it lead to us catching a lot more issues with the roles)

yeah. i could probably do flavor on my own

I like the concept of making a death flavor for certain roles, though. even if it’s not actually flavor to be posted when i host the game, just llike. a little short story, for peple to read.
i’d start with the roles that i think i could do the greatest with and then move on from there

on the other hand I tell people from MU that it’s an incredibly high power semi-open role madness game, with conversion and lots and lots of wack mechanics

No lol

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