Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

lizard’s took me like 7 games of hosting with Taco to figure out how the fuck botc characters work

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i’m probably just gonna pass the torch after i release the hosting guide
if there’s demand for players for virtuous and no demand for hosts then I might pick it back up again, but like. only as a host. outside of a few hotfixes after we test 5.5 i’ll be, like, finished with the design


in slightly related news, I’m considering making a throne of lies themed closed Jackal Returns variant
like. skeleton mechanics of Jackal Returns
roles ala Virtuous
and throne of lies flavor (the jackals are the cult)

i have a bunch of base ideas written down but I don’t have many for individual roles

if anyone wants to help contact me

and yes it is known that there is a mafia traitor

i could try and help but again. my knowledge in mafia role creation is me making town of salem characters when i was 13

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yeah no probably don’t in that case

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i need someone with like, abundant role ideas
usually these people have no idea how to balance them which is where i come in

kinda off topic i had an idea for lizards.
I wont do it for the next game cause i want to try out a few more rounds of it so i can figure out how people view it here XD
But i wanna do a lizards where instead of me mutating one character per person. Each person presenting two characters and me trying to stitch them together to make a role

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downside. it might make it harder for people to be caught out for lying about there mutation (No one does this anyway)
Upside. it could make funnier abilities

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No surprises there.

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balancing is for chumps

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Fall of Rome is easier than Lizards to ST.

eh but lizards is more fun to st

ok actually being finished with the design after working on it for like. 7 months at this rate is wild

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you did a good job!

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i don’t think icet will ever be satisfied with the design but like
as long as we push out Visionary promotion rework and reworks/buffs to Minstrel, Sage, and Alcoholic (and fix the respective converts, of course) I’m really happy with it

and for the record the only thing we need to do now is fix the respective converts
we’ve also done a little trolling and cut Exiled and paired Illusionist with Archivist
and Duchess with Amelia’s new Taxman (hob actuary) take
so that might be weird but it definitely cannot be as bad as Chancellor which was not that bad

we’ve also created a Judge rework that might break the game (not in like a “mechsolve everything way” in a “it literally overthrows the king while keeping them alive” kind of way) but we’ll see
and we have also done nerfs to Arbalist and Baronet. actually that one was on the list of things but yea
we haven’t changed Enforcer yet so that’s on the list too

other than that. it’s just field testing