Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

No cuz that doesnt work

a definition of the word lying
lies don’t have to be known to the liar

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I was deliberately being untruthful 5 minutes ago when I decided I wanted to lie. But 5 minutes later I’m just arguing the thing I started arguing

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that’s the definition of lying

IMO in that case, you’re lying to yourself when gaslighting yourself (and you presumably have the intent to lie to others), but not lying once you fully believe it


Well here is the issue with that, then almost everything is a lie

I am going to take u to the vet to neuter you

why not

I would say you’re lying when you believe it

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ok give me like a statement that isnt like an objective truth

But I can also usually double-book it and simultaneously believe it and not believe it

if you say the cat is black because you are colorblind you are lying without knwoing you are lying

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Yes but if the cat has even 1 black hair, it could be considered black and vise versa

I would sya that’s not lying that’s being wrong

maybe we have different ideas of believing something
idk how you can do both

If they went around telling the public how black the cat is and how wrong everyone else is when does it become lying

this does depend on the confidence with which one says it
if you say it with confidence that misrepresents your actual certainty, then yeah I’d say it’s lying

if you were wrong but you didn’t try to misrepresent stuff, it’s not lying

Google definiton of lying or else :scissors:

When they have substantial reason to believe otherwise
