Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

oh lmao

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Controller is usable to success on ladder but is pretty rare in high-level tournaments - there was exactly one controller player at the Phoenix LAN I was at a few months ago



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Do you still not understand what virtuous is btw I kinda explained it badly

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I mean you could use ESDF, it doesn’t really matter for OS as there’s like three abilities and evade per character so the extra buttons ESDF nets you aren’t very useful

The main distinction here is “use buttons to move” or “use mouse clicks to move” not which exact buttons are the movement keys


Not really. Is it a ToL-inspired set a roles and a setup is randomly generated using those roles?

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oh i wasn’t really making an OS-specific comment

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Mobile is not a good way to play the game at a high level

OS was originally designed as a mobile game first so it’s definitely playable but your ability to be precise is going to suffer

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Yeah it’s semi open
There are parameters for the setup though

Kind of

Sadly it would require you to remap the joystick to WASD which negates most of the reason you would do it

Otherwise I do think it would be basically optimal to do thumbstick for movement, mouse for aim


It’s effectively random
But hosts actually decide which roles are in play now
It still has to match the list but the list is flexible

Hybrid control support is something I hope becomes more widely supported in future but for now most games are set up such that you are hard locked into controller or keyboard and mouse


OS is no exception

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So TL; Dr it’s not entirely random but for all intents and purposes it is

tbh the main reason I stick with WASD instead of just swapping to ESDF or similar is because there are games that do not allow you to remap to ESDF

the secondary reason is that the windows key is in a pretty awful spot for ESDF tbh

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And the set of roles is tol inspired yeah
There’s nearly double the amount of roles that were in tol though

But the other thing we sourced roles from was also tol inspired

ESDF with swapped control and windows keys would go p hard tho if you could guarantee every game would let you do it

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And of course a great number of reworks are our own ideas

games that dont allow you to remap should be illegal

windows key shouldnt be a problem? idk i used to just disable the windows key

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