Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

it’s mostly old games not new ones that encounter this problem

but it also comes up sometimes

for example, I’ve done some closed playtesting in the past where the game in question was so early in development that all of the controls were just hardcoded

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not accepted. i want you out of my life


the issue isn’t hitting the windows key on accident

it’s that you’re losing out on a usefully-placed key in the control key and replacing it with something you need to hard disable

if I were to use ESDF I’d definitely swap control and windows because the whole point of ESDF is increasing usable keys near your left hand

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honestly windows and capslock keys are the bane of my existence for gaming

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i am now level 6
each time i log off i magickally get a level


doesn’t really matter to me for OS because I have every ability on my mouse so my left hand only does movement and evade/burst on spacebar (btw plz map evade to spacebar thank me later)

but for other games (most recently Ready Or Not) it’s such a pain to have to deal with one key you gotta just turn off and another that you can use but you might have capslock on next time you try to type lol


i feel like i could reasonably use ctrl while ESDFing but fair enough, it definitely would be more awkward in the best case

my favorite part about capslock is people using it for push to talk so whenever you talk to them THEY RANDOMLY SCREAM AT YOU


your level probably only updates when you relog


I still haven’t found a good key for ptt and I just use open mic

I’m p sure if I ever got into comp gaming or streaming and really wanted ptt I’d prolly buy a foot pedal or something for it

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Wait actually it might even be theoretically optimal to play with two mouses, one in each hand. One for movement one for aiming. Not feasible due to both software and hardware limitations and would require learning but theoretically its probably the ceiling

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jesus christ


The game design process resembled BToS2 development more than closed setup development, at least on the surface
Just because all of our role ideas were not placed as new roles, usually, and were rather placed into an existing but bad role to improve it. Functionally it’s usually an entirely new role but it might have the same core mechanical ideas.
Frequently these role ideas actually came from thinking “how can I fix this role or make it more interesting,” too

ive always used a mousekey for PTT but its definitely kinda annoying when im in voicechat while browsing the internet and not Gaming

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I tend to fill up my mouse buttons with other binds

there is a omegs strikers player whos way better then me that levels me up that lives in my pc


if i like all of your posts will you stop posting?

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checks out


this is the most tutuubrained post ive ever seen


What’s PTT