Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Male and female are adjectives. tutuu is correct in that you should really just say “I’m male” rather than “I’m a male”. You can use them like nouns in the way we can use adjectives like nouns more generally, but you should never use male or female when man or women would suffice especially if you’re talking about a woman because “female” is often used to by the worst people on the planet to categorically refer to women while they talk about them as subhumans or objects.


There’s a significant subset of women who would say this I feel like you underestimate the number of women who are like. You know

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They’re often like 13

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To 16

i suspect theres 3 types of people who say a female:

the first is people who are just mimicking what they hear. a lot of people say that phrase, so why not say as they say. they dont pay it any thought further

the second is i think there could be guys who are worried “should i call this person a girl or a woman? what if she gets offended if i call her a girl? call her too young or too old? so female is the safest bet coz its more of an umbrella for all ages”

and the third is the one who hate women

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these are usually pick-mes right

Okay but if both communicate the exact same information then why would I care if you use it as a noun or an adjective

Still don’t personally get why anybody views it as dehumanizing but I am aware women-in-particular often do

tf is a pick-me

boomer alert

This is basically where I feel like I fall


Saying I’m “a man” still feels wrong even though I have a graduate degree and a full-time job lmfao


insert obligatory “war turns boys into men” joke

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can’t imagine why :roll_eyes:

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I suspect if I had gone to war I would probably not feel this way so

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i think if you called yourself “a male” you’d feel even weirder

i legit have never heard that once

like - “hello guys, i’m a male”

“as a male, i agree with you”

“a male here - yadda yadda yadda”

Is this just an insult or what, I miss your point

ok this one kinda makes sense but the other ones i understand

I mean, ehh? Like, people who’s heard others around them say A Female and just repeat it. People who grew up on certain parts of the internet or with certain types of parents or certain friends. IDT it inherently makes them pick-mes. They’re not intentionally seeking out this type of company and changing themselves to do it. It’s just what they’ve always known


in certain contexts ofc

Nah this one is totally natural-sounding

The other two are just weird grammar

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