Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i kind of go. lilithp
to me th and f are indistinguishable. i straight up cannot hear it
but i also in attempting to pronounce the hard f sound i leak other stuff in


i can pronounce jaiden, but i hate the letter j and think ai makes completely the wrong sound in it. despite this i love the names

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similar issues with TodaysStory. the double s and the r sound give me trouble


Then we can differentiate the colloquial definition of this word into two respective categories; actually gay, and gay (social trait). In this case, we can liken the etymological development of kissing to stem from the Mesopotamians who fall under the first category, whereas the behaviour being exhibited elsewhere falls beneath the second category, and is the label that is thusly used here.

In this case under the assumption that the original thesis is accurate, I suppose you could say that kissing was both appropriated for use by anyone who isn’t gay, while simultaneously being a “pretty gay” behaviour.


magnus do you have difficulties speaking

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selectively mute but when i talk im completely incomprehensible anyways

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In my regular life, unfortunately yes. I tend to speak really quickly and mumble my words. I overcompensate with a magniloquent vocabulary online.


I used to not be able to pronounce R but they took me to a helpful lady in elementary school and she taught me

I dont struggle to pronounce anything in my language but obviously i have a lot of difficulties in overcoming my accent when i speak English

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youll like Scotland literally everyone does that its the main genre of speaking


i had speech therapy, it sucked and didn’t help
similarly i had some writing lessons to fix how i held a pen, did nothing

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the Christmas card was written with me holding that pen with my full hand like i was stabbing the card

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How do you hold a pen? I use the standard method of 3 fingers

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HAHAHAHAHA why are you holding it like a child?


bro i remember primary school i was the only one with that issue at FIVE and a substitute tried to force me to fix it and i WEEPED


truthfully i will always be kind of a kid in body and spirit


Serial L taker, the day you take a W is the day pigs fly

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I looove talking fast I’m good at talking and I talk very fast


My voice is too quiet by default but I can fix kt


my coordination has improved but that is NOT saying much