Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


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“how does poi taste like”
instead of “what does”

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Atlas on her way to lecture people about grammar before writing then instead of than for the millionth time


bullying was the one way that i learnt how to spell “you’re” correctly

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Oh so youre asking to be bullied into learning when to say than and then? I see i see~ Not a surprising foler behavior~

i was providing as much without being asked
if i fail to meet adequacy i’d prefer to be corrected

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I read this as “please bully me as much as possible :confounded:

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would you like a photo of my deck of comically oversized playing cards



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check discord

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tutuu would be thwarted by a set of dangling keys

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im starting to really love having instant noodles for breakfast. its not the most prestigious food but i started putting more stuff in them. a bit of sesame oil, powdered garlic, a ton of chilli flakes. it turns out good, this is good

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i just got food and talked about having a “good old fashioned english breakfast” to somebody else

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english breakfast sounds like peak breakfast but good luck finding the energy to do it yourself. maybe on a special occassion

how did two seperate people not ask what i was having

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not english breakfast

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thats the only food i can give you credit that you know how to cook for yourself

you’d be surprised

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