Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i cant believe she’s adding an additional one of each kind of counter of her choice!

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fuck you proliferates your time counter

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cop with unreliable check and godfather should have the same score they’re the same thing

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well one is built-in and one is like
insane cop

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people dont like hidden godfathers because of unreliable checks

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its just that one is tied to a different player and one is just a fuck you your role is actively harmful when you think it could be good

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i agree that hidden godfathers are :joy_cat: tho

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I would argue an unaware insane cop is worse than a godfather. They are not the same thing because the former can produce fake clears and reds. Also a cop has to actually check a Godfather whereas it’s irrelevant who the insane cop checks to produce bad checks. It’s also a role that’s negative utility to the faction, but a GF is at least positive utility for their team. Being fake red checked sucks a lot for both the cop and player being fake red checked (been there). The insane cop is clearly worse from an experience perspective in every way.


And also suspecting a godfather is at least in the realm of possibility. Suspecting an insane cop just isn’t. The irony is it would be like the literal last thing a sane would assume because of how unusual and obviously unpleasant it is.


what salt score does this role have nbow


(i’m genuinely curious as to whether you could create a worse role if you tried)



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pet moment

this randed to a first time player and through some miracle they ever played again


a lot of hosts just make games for their own entertainment rather than for the players’ lol

A literal 5 yeah. Who has fun with this


mickey mouse tournament, no elephant

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Veteran/PGO is an interesting one. It’s definitely more than 3 but less than 4. I think around a 3.5 but has a much higher salt variance than a Godfather, and is more dangerous to run carelessly, but easier to fix and make less awful.

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This is about how I would describe basically anything related to tol yep

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