Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


I still remember the priest, who didn’t know how a cell phone works :wowee: .



Maybe the next BoTF should be Fall of Rome again. 18 players joined the last time it was hosted.

Hannibal nooo

2 of them in fact.

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Trumpeter 5 with both Hannibals and all 3 minions claiming Spartacus :skull: .

Hannibal is a better Marionette.


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Oh I didn’t know you came out to your family. Proud of you

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3 years? It’s started this year. Some states may ratchet up to 25 because of that one stupid fuckin paper about brain development that didn’t test anyone over the age of 25 and was really just looking at neural plasticity i.e. your brain rewiring itself which happens literally throughout your entire life but it slows down as you age.

Anyway yeah there is an enormous body of evidence that care for minors (both puberty blockers and HRT) reduces suicidality, depression, and among others and increases positive things. Regret rates are already insanely, bizarrely low for trans healthcare (likely because there’s so much gatekeeping and the medical system putting up tons of barriers contrary to the laughable claim that anyone is being rushed into care which again there’s only evidence to the contrary of). I think literally every relevant major medical organization in the United States supports trans care for minors because results are so positive and the risks are both low and are massively outweighed by the benefits. Puberty blockers get fear mongered about, but they give them to cis kids all the time non-controversially because they’re in the bottom tenth percentile for height or whatever. The attacks on trans care are nakedly a moral panic. There’s just no fucking justification at all.

And in case anyone was thinking “but aren’t the studies low quality?” No, they are not the “highest” quality because they’re not double blind with a control group which is both ethically dubious (at best) and wildly impractical to do with trans healthcare because it would be like trying to do a study on hair dye and having a control group. The participants in the study are going to know if they’re in the control group or not because the physical changes or lack thereof is going to become apparent at some point. There is however a large corpus of “moderate” quality studies that all say the same thing (trans healthcare is good and safe with low regret rates) and virtually none that say the opposite that aren’t also bullshit.

Speaking of obviously bullshit studies made for the purpose of pushing a narrative, a study came out claiming that people who get gender affirming surgery have a higher rate of suicidality (3.5% vs 0.29%) except their control group is not trans people who did not get gender affirming surgery, it’s everyone who did not get gender affirming surgery. In other words, the study is essentially saying that trans people who have gender affirming surgery still have a higher rate of suicidality than cis people, and I say “still have” because we already fucking know trans people have a higher rate. That’s one reason why our healthcare is called lifesaving.

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She claimed she had statistics and I was instantly like “it’s the no sources cited 80% figure”

Also yeah true

I mean it was always the goal (among others) they just needed to build up to it

it sucks but i like to think that the far right is becoming more desperate to get that kind of thing to happen because they’re losing control and are trying to exert it while they can

socially everything’s getting better and there’s nothing they can do about it

i don’t know if that’s actually true but the thought helps keep me sane



i hope

it is a Good Thought To Keep You Sane

iirc there was like a poll that said 70% of people or smth around that ranked trans issues as their least popular issue
it loses elections all over and yet they go all in for some reason

the General Public cares a lot more about abortion and guns and such
but the politicians are like “ooga booga trans kids are bla blah blah”
and this loses them elections
but they do it anyways
which is baffling

they’re scared of our swag

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