Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

What the hell gay shit was going on in middle school. What was happening there. Every single girl I liked in middle school was gay or bi or such BTW I hit zero straight ones (even though I thought they were straight at the time)


What was UP with that none of us knew what was going on

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There was one friend of mine who I never really had any weird gay shit with despite the fact that I usually did with literally all my female friends. Trans guy. 100% accuracy I never missed

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My friend and I kept trying to invite him to go downtown with the two of us after school and he kept politely declining and we were SO annoyed and also confused because he didn’t seem to like dislike us. But having ended up going with her alone in hindsight it was obvious why that may have been awkward for him

yeah downtown SUCKS

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Everybody went to the far Dunkin Donuts instead of the close one because the close one was quote “sketchy”

There was also the one convenience store that supposedly kids were able to get cigarettes from despite being middle schoolers? Not sure how that happened. And it had halloween themed candy for sale in like mid May. Did kinda suck

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I’m yet to see a convenience store that doesn’t sell cigarettes and booze to kids of all ages here :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re supposed to get in massive trouble for it here! And yet!

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god tutuu being bulgarian is like seeing an army of storm troopers marching by but one of them has a helmet design with an uwu face on it


Like you’re at least supposed to need a fake ID. These kids were again in middle school and going down there after school followed by a torrent of other middle schoolers it could not be more obvious what they were up to And Yet


Probably just knew the guy behind the counter or something


careful, dont overheat and shut down


yeah @tutuu make sure you’re a good distance away from arctic’s voice recording while you’re working on this


Hey! I’m not dumb!

Keep talking and you’ll get folded in half

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pat pat its ok u werent born to be smart…

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