Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

you very readily accepted she wasn’t ceremad with how often she shouted she wasn’t ceremad, as if a ceremad player wouldn’t do the same thing

No I think it was reasonable because she went out of her way to do it unprompted in that kind of cheaty way that Ceremad players don’t do

She did the exact same thing in that longform game we played

look i was biased by knowing she was, in fact, ceremad so i didn’t exactly think too hard about whether she was


(Where she was not ceremad)

erm technically she wasn’t on day 2 she just thought she was


I only ruled that out after realizing that in a world where you’re town, Gummy could mechanically not be Ceremad.

It was a really neat chain of logic.
It was also completely wrong, but we don’t need to get into that.

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I didn’t use logic I jus tmeowed

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i genuinely didn’t know who the demon was until like. maybe halfway through day 2, if that. i was so so scared that i was blundering by letting the d1 execution go through and that it was maybe game ending

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What gave it away for you?

there was a point where gummy was talking about the demon being cerelocked for the entire game and i was like “hmm maybe she’s on to something”


I was happy to execute you D1 when I was Cere because I knew I’d already misplayed if I’d picked you as Demon so why not make it a double

gummy actually saved you so hard. i was planning on faking a dreamer report on you until gummy joined the whisper unprompted

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why didn’t you just accuse Ash of being cerelocked

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this has the same problem of “the one person i need to believe me is inherently not going to believe me”

there is unfortunately no world that resolves this

Specifically she spammed “trust” “trust” in the text chat which is like so overboard for a Good ceremad player to do

if you’re born as the dreamer you need trust