Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

but from a utilitarian perspective what if i gain more utility from not liking posts than the posters would get from me liking them


you should like posts so you can pocket me :flushed:

(utilitarianism is stupid)

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

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Still not over the fact that a few days ago I discovered my sister ALSO spams the flushed emote in nonsensical contexts because it’s funny


i’m a big fan of thought experiments that dunk on utilitarianism. do you prefer the utility monster or the mere addition paradox (also known as the repugnant conclusion)


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Completely independently. She showed me her texts using it and I was like holy shit this is a May message

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ok nyaaaaaaaaaaa I should sleep

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Once when we were playing Splatoon my team echo chambered ourselves into the phrase “from a utiliarian perspective, it is morally wrong to [do a thing I don’t like]” and now every time somebody says the phrase “from a utilitarian perspective” (myself included) I crack up


I went to sleep at 4AM last night, 5AM the night before, 6AM the night before. I need to sleep like now so I can continue the staircase

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it’s already too late for you may


From a utilitarian perspective it is morally wrong to run e liter

From a utilitarian perspective it is MORALLY WRONG to kill may in splatoon

From a utilitarian perspective it is morally wrong to tell me I need to sleep even if I really do

the repugnant conclusion only dunks on total utilitarianism, not average utilitarianism, whereas the utility monster dunks on both but extra hard on average (since it arguably implies you should murder everyone but the utility monster for some definitions of average utilitarianism)


okay i don’t actually know things about utilitarianism i just like to dunk on it. because it’s bad

you fundamentally cannot math out morality. i assure you. people have mathed out many esoteric things if morality could be mathed out the mathematicians would’ve done it by now

From a utilitarian perspective it is morally wrong to math out reality

the virgin “you cannot math out morality” vs. the chad “pull the lever because five is more than one”