Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

They’re not killing me

…get medicine

i started taking really strong headache meds and they went away

I saw a neurologist for migraines a bunch previously and got nothing

Probably cause I was a kid but that did happen

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It’s also just like not my biggest problem and I’d be concerned about taking medicine for a problem which is not my biggest problem because it oculd interfere with other medications or have undesirable side effects

try again
youre older now and this is longstanding

ask about the things youre concerned over
it could help

just because things are fine (ish) doesnt mean they cant be better

I have asked many times and am still asking. But it is difficult

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doctors suck
they also have access to things you want so

I was at a doctor’s appointment today. It was awesome I went up to her and said hi I’ve been ahving this problem and I was referred to you for this because it’s your specialty. And she was like “no it’s not my specialty lol go see someone else”. It took three months to get here

Also of note: usually the migraines go away when I take, like, OTC pain meds. I just never do this

So this is really probably a May Issue.

that sounds like something that you might wanna.

Well see it only hurts a little bit if I sit here. But if I stand up and walk it hurts a lot, and to get the medications I have to walk, and it will hurt a lot for a little while, which is generally undesirable. So I won’t do that, despite the fact that it would obviously be better in hte long term

I am perfectly aware of how nonsensical this is but it’s just a malfunction in the decision-making circuits of my brain that I can never quite get out

you might have these problems for the rest of your life
spending a small while to fix problems is always worth it

…sometimes you just
need to force yourself to do stuff
the logical thing to do is almost always the best thing to do, i think

I am not very good at it