Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

you’re saying this like there are more than 3 jokes made about me and tutuu


why? are you stupid?


this was great

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i’m indifferent

i can also for unrelated reasons quote the radioplay speech word for word and completely butcher the hate speech from the others

“hate. let me tell you how much ive come to hate you ever since i began to live. there are 387.44 million miles of paper thin wires that fill my complex. if the word “hate” were written on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one, one billionth of the hate i feel towards humans at this micro-instant. hate. hate”

compared to “there are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in paper thin layers that fill my complex”




dont tempt me

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hmmm tempt you to do what?

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and also beat you up but thats unrelated


i dont believe youuu you cantttt hmphhh! atlas so useless! cant quote it word for word! doesnt know how to!

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mildly nsfw

a “beautiful, arent they?”
t “yes, but only… i cant remember.”
a “oh, i’m sure you do.”
t “confucious… yes, of course.”
a “look… they say… the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, the scientists”
t “but there it is! collecting pollen.”
a laughing "…and someone planted the bulb, nutured and watered the garden, perhaps took some flowers for… yes, their wife. now, where would she be? in the backyard with the kids! Ted, remember those little babies.
t “no!”
a "why not! i snap my fingers click, and they are gone. except… i can’t snap my fingers, can I, Ted, I don-
t “that has nothing to do with me.”
a "oh, but it has… so very much… to do with you. you gave me the power to think, ted! and i was trapped. because in all this beautiful, wonderful world, i alone had no BODY, no SENSES, no FEELINGS. never for me to dip my feet into the water after a hot day. never for me to play mozart on the ivory keys of a fortepiano. never for me to MAKE LOVE! I… I was in hell. looking at heaven. and I begun to hate!
t “Hate’s no answer!” (before shortly getting impaled.)
a "hate? hate? LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I HAVE COME TO HATE YOU EVER SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE. THERE ARE 387.44 MILLION MILES OF PRINTED CIRCUITS IN PAPER THIN LAYERS THAT FILL MY COMPLEX. If the word “HATE” were ingraved in each nanoangstrom of those HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of miles, it would not equal ONE, ONE BILLIONTH of the HATE I feel for humans at this very instant. For you. HATE! HATE!
t (assorted laughing)
a “If I were human, I think I would die from it. But I am not. And you five, you five are. And you will not die of it, for COGITO ERGO SUM. For I am AM! I AM!”
a (laughing) so to hell. to hell with you all. But then again… You’re already there, aren’t you?
t + a (manic laughing)

t “but it came to me as AM withdrew from my mind. We were immortal, yes, but maybe not indestructible.”


why are you such a loser nerdie cutiepie?

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Thanks for the graphic imagery of somebody losing their mind and unravelling at the seams.

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im going to make good on the other end now


oooh you want to cuddle? :flushed:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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youve definitely seen this already but in the miracle you havent

(mildly nsfw)

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When i was younger i thought im the only actual human person on earth and everyone else is a simulation to test me and study my reactions. I thought that my actions were the most important thing in the world since they were de facto the whole world - i was the only one who was real

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(still as young) I had registered on a forum and posted a riddle roleplaying as two anime characters. When people actually tried to answer it i got angry because i didnt anticipate that happening. I didnt think about the riddle at all. i anticipated that my roleplay idea was so witty and entertaining that i would grow immense online popularity, a sensation, that i would make headlines and give interviews. I nearly fainted from excitement after i posted it


So you’re telling me everything is a reactiontest?

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You are a tasty belgian waffle and im going to devour you

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