Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

it is a good game tho

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it’s not that interesting to us lol

it’s widely known, accepted, and I can think of approximately zero times ever I’ve heard of somebody complaining about it despite the fact that it’s known to us as a US-specific thing

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if you’re in a position to feel a need to strongly complain about that because it would affect you that greatly, odds are good that renouncing citizenship may have been the right move anyways

like I’m pretty sure there’s a pretty generous amount you’re allowed to keep in most cases that doesn’t get taxed so those taxes really only hit you if you’re a high-earner that’s abroad

Your country taxing you just because you were born there even if youre using zero of its services sounds like a medieval idea to me, im surprised there arent protests about it

“serfdom, condition in medieval Europe in which a tenant farmer was bound to a hereditary plot of land and to the will of his landlord”

if it’s something that only applies to the top 5% or whatever of earners, that almost starts to be more socialist lol


Let me google more information in curious if this affects everyone or only the mega rich as you say

not “just mega rich” but here u go


notable section from the front page:



yeah I’m not gonna dig further but


your average working-class citizen isn’t gonna have to worry about this beyond filling out a few tax forms

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which actually makes it a pretty sensible system tbqh


gj usa

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Yeah thats good. Youre right this doesnt affect most people

Hm… What is defined as a rolemadness?
(Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself.)


depends on the person

a rule of thumb that nobody will disagree on in most cases is “has no VTs/goons”


personally I would choose to classify things with nonzero-but-low numbers of VTs/goons as rolemadness in many cases but I’ve had people be upset at me before for randing VT in a game I advertised as rolemadness so ymmv

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I need help.
(In the form of a reviewer.)
(And probably something to relax, because Zone is hyped up somehow. And it’s past 2 AM…)

and then there’s the question of roles that aren’t true PRs

like, do negative-utility roles count? is a miller okay? what about a backup cop with no cop to backup? etc.

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Ah… Sounds like my cup of coffee… :coffee: