Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

and the issue is you can’t let people do that for free because, for example, you can’t just prevent people from using public roads somehow, that’s literally not doable

so if you think your government falls below that X% your only real option is to go find another one that you think falls above it

is that easy? no

but it’s either that or work yourself to change the system to get it above that X%

in the meantime you’ve gotta contribute to the government you’re operating under

This is something I can agree with. My favourite negative utility roles have some window for the player in question to utilise them in an ideal sense, as a matter of fact.

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imo it helps to consider it like essentially contributing part of your labor towards these large, public projects

like yeah sure your average fry cook isn’t out there paving roads, powering generators, farming crops, or treating wastewater, but the taxes they pay are essentially taking small fractional bits of their labor and converting it into labor towards those useful, wide-reaching projects that they in turn will benefit from


is the efficiency of that conversion 100%?


but does that make the entire system not worthwhile?

in many cases, also no

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I’m all for improving that efficiency wherever possible but at the end of the day all-encompassing hatred towards taxes is, as I said earlier, just silly imo

Alright well people and employers pay for electricity and internet out of their pocket. We dont have a government internet, we have private internet companies. We do have a government electricity system and they laid the groundwork for it but people do pay to use electricity

The roads have always been filled with holes for as long as i remember. I use public transport which i pay for

Health care is optional, you can pay for it on your own choice

People pay out of pocket to construct and maintain their private property buildings

For the mandatory tax - the only justifiable thing in my head, in my situation, is paying for emergency sevices - police, fire truck, ambulance. I like the idea of being protected by them in case theres trouble and somebody needs to pay them. But other than that im personally not benefitting from ~anything else, i think

you forget the magic thing powering literally all of the shit you just dismissed and more


also if you like stuff like having a place to live or eating or drinking or having your excrement carried away in a sanitary fashion or, y’know, getting paid in a currency with a value that you can exchange for goods and services, you’d best bet that your government has a hand in enabling all of that

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Alright i cant aegue against that

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also this is abstracting away a fuck ton of shit like codes and permits, which add to the cost of a lot of things but keep you safe

idk about you but I’m pretty happy to not have houses made of asbestos filled with lead and placed right next to the dump

But if i dont pay taxes i will have more money for myself

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it’s also pretty nice to not have the next country over deploy soldiers to steal your shit because they feel like it

this is true on an individual level (hence why tax evasion exists), but at societal scale is wildly untrue


so yeah I get it taxes kinda suck but at the end of the day life would probably be much worse for most people who would be capable of seeing this post on the internet without them

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You went hard. Nice try IRS agent youre a real smooth talker

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can i have the spec chat for champs g4 does that exist

its on discord

you can find our discord by clicking the little discord icon in the top right

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