Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


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Hi 18, I’m Ash.


people have always thought i’m way older than i am and i have no idea why


Daniel is a type of Christ. Nebuchanezzar is a type of Anti-Christ.

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Atlas skinwalker

is this a copypasta because its so real


“That would require May to know things and not just go haha roll forward” “May famously doesn’t know anything and is still quite good”

Atlas hasn’t used that pfp on FoL at least for a while.

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it’s a glorious post that came from one of my clocktower groups

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In my honest opinion, the Trickster is the best role in Town of Salem 2, offering an exhilarating and captivating experience whether you play as the Trickster or find yourself facing them as an opponent. Taking on the role of the Trickster provides a thrilling sense of power and strategy. Strategically Taunting players and manipulating their actions keeps on you the edge of your seet as you carefully choose your targets to disrupt evil plans and safegaurd the Town. The thrill of deceiving malevolent roles, making them question your true intention, and using your own abilities against them is second to none. Conversely, when you’re up against a skilled Trickster, the challenge of deciphering their true identity amidst the veil of suspicion adds an exciting layor of complexity to the game. The cat-and-mouse dynamics create an engaging and fun-filled atmosphere, making every interaction with the Trickster a memorable and exhilarating experience in Town of Salem 2

Voudon doesn’t get exiled, because the dead have more than 1 vote.

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“I think I’d like to nominate May as being the worst?” “Certainly a menace” “Like not bad at the game, just an absolute menace”

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Legion having 6 digits could be a call back to the Nephilim having 6 digits on each foot and hand.

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Dont you love your professor having the outmost gut wrenching toe curling eyes shutting tongue twisting stomach sickness inducing handwriting as they give notes to study for the finals

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Voudon is the least fun character, in the ENTIRETY of official Blood on the Clocktower characters, including unreleased or experimental characters. Voudon’s ability reads as follows ‘Only you and the dead can vote. A 50% majority is not needed’. How crazy do you have to be to think this is actually a good ability? It completely changes the fundamentals of the game, from alive players freely voting an the dead utilising their one vote, to dead players freely voting and alive players doing absolutely fucking nothing. Not only that, a decent tool in social deduction games is reading votes - you can’t do that when NONE of the alive players can even vote at all. You physically cannot catch evils voting wrong if they cannot vote at all - how is this at all helpful if the Voudon is good. Furthermore, the only people who actually find Voudon fun are dead players - and still not even all of them find it fun. Nobody else thinks is fun when someone steps into the game part-way through, and decides that they’ll execute someone with a singular fucking vote and the alive players can’t do shit about that unless half of them rally together to exile them, which is harder to happen when the dead players refuse. Also, Voudon just ruins the balance for certain characters. You know soldier? Consider them a fucking outsider now. Sailor? Better hope you get self drunked. Zombuul is quite literally one of, and probably the ONLY role to benefit from a Voudon, and what if the Voudon is good; you’re literally helping the other team out for free there, congrats. Mechanics that take away player agency are not fun. It’s the same reason why Bishop is hated and Butler is the least fun Outsider to exist.

To quote a Starcraft character. “Where did you learn handwriting boy/girl?”

I have the copypasta on my clipboard 24/7