Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

cant wait for some big nerd to go “um achsukelly the claim can be real because chloe said nerds would say its fake” and the claim is fake


many people are asking this

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don’t forget the night 0 in which there are both kills (including one of the only nights the anticlaim is allowed to work, which we somehow got on a mafia member’s significant other) and investigations (4 mafia members got redchecked)

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My thought process regarding roles like this is that it revolves around player agency. My first game - Temporal Mafia - revolved around a quarter of the game being able to revert the game state to an earlier position (nicknamed Time Manipulators; they were heavily implied to be mafia), but because town realized that they could use those abilities to their advantage because I flipped whether a person was a Time Manipulator or not, they never got annoyed by the mechanic.

A player is always looking for clear counterplay to a specific role, so having a role that seemingly has no way to be resolved (“how was I expected to know I was supposed to do that??”) is more frustrating to a player’s experience than having a role that actually has no way to be resolved.

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Well wolves are short more than a full kill and so is the village so I’d say that the factions are both short at least a full kill lol.

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oh don’t worry i didn’t include several town vigs

but yes this game lasted until night 12

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No one has ever done this and been correct. I suspect if someone does and are correct, they will be right for the wrong reasons lol


Funeral of the dead butterflies

did it not have ITAs or were they shut off super early?

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no itas

It called me a whore


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Is this accurate


Mfw the midgame devolves into psychoanalyzing the GMs and what they would put into a game.

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For anyone thinking about running a mash: don’t skip ITAs. Please. I’m begging you. Don’t do it.

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Benguined what game was this

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Calling what people on Discord run a “mash” is a stretch

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That’s not really what it is. It’s just a mafia game with a lot of people in. Convergent evolution


i don’t know how the gm got 63 people but they did.